Apparently unresolvable issues, loss-generating situations concerning your activities with your business partner can still be sorted out. We analyse the situation, suggest what actions you could take and advise you which would be the best approach. Furthermore, we support you in the implementation of your solutions.
Individual or team coaching, adapted to your needs. For managers, executives and operational staff.

Our Experience


Apparently unresolvable issues, loss-generating situations concerning your activities with your business partner can still be sorted out. We analyse the situation, suggest what actions you could take and advise you which would be the best approach. Furthermore, we support you in the implementation of your solutions.
Individual or team coaching, adapted to your needs. For managers, executives and operational staff.


Workshop: Brazil

We all have the same goals: achieve good profits, win customers, organize production and internal processes, deal satisfactorily with suppliers and representatives, ensure investments!
These are the goals of the Brazilian entrepreneurs as well as all other entrepreneurs in the world, but everyone does it differently.
The German tactics of conflict resolution in “cold face to face”, does not work in Brazil as well as the “jeitinho brasileiro” does not work with the Germans. ”
To make it works, you need to know how to deal with the differences!


  • Legal forms of a company in Brazil: “LTDA” (a Brazilian form of “GmbH”)
  • Import/ export Rules in Brazil
  • Taxes, authorities
  • Import License
  • Approval for production
  • Financing the production in Brazil: BNDES, Finame
  • Financing and purchase of machinery and equipment
  • current political and economic situation in Brazil
  • Project Management in Brazil
  • Typical Obstacles in business practice
  • Political, economic and socio-cultural differences