We organize Trade missions to Brazil, Turkey and Germany, together with partners, associations and trade shows, for CEOs and business people in order to identify economic opportunities; to know the political and cultural requirements and to put together potential partners and product manufacturers with bilateral interest.

Our Experience


We organize Trade missions to Brazil, Turkey and Germany, together with partners, associations and trade shows, for CEOs and business people in order to identify economic opportunities; to know the political and cultural requirements and to put together potential partners and product manufacturers with bilateral interest.


São Paulo – The focus of German companies
Some 1,400 German companies operate in Brazil, including 900 headquartered in the greater Sao Paulo area, Brazil’s economic and financial engine. They employ 250,000 people. São Paulo is considered the “largest German industrial city in the world.”

German investment in the country totals $30 billion, making Brazil Germany’s main partner in Latin America, both in terms of trade and investment.
Over the past decade, Brazilian exports to Germany nearly tripled, although they fell 18.9% to $7.3 billion in 2012, from $9 billion the previous year due to the global economic downturn.
German imports soared from $4.4 billion in 2002 to $14.2 billion in 2012.
Leading German companies operating in Brazil include Volkswagen (IW 1000/10), with sales of $15.7 billion, Mercedes Benz with $8 billion, engineering and manufacturing firm MAN with $4.3 billion and chemical giant BASF with $3 billion.
Other major German companies outside São Paulo: Mannesmann (Belo Horizonte, MG), Stihl (São Leopoldo / Rio Grande do Sul), Robert Bosch (Campinas), Mercedes (Juiz de Fora / MG), Audi (São José dos Pinhais / PR) and Thyssen (Ceará). ”
(Fonte: Payer, Margarete: Kulturen von Arbeit und Kapital)

Industry Summary Metalomecânica

Brazil still has great potential: Domestic consumption is still high and, despite the crisis, unemployment still shows low rates. Globally, Brazil has huge natural resources. Despite a slowdown in economic growth, opportunities for foreign companies are still great. Brazil still have a large infrastructure projects to do.
Significant investments in the development of agriculture and livestock, roads, bridges, railways, power generation, promotion of natural resources, industrial capacity, services and many other sectors of the economy are planned.

In SAO PAULO, you will have the opportunity to meet important businessmen of the sectors and potential partners of Brazilian business. In addition, we have in our program a special bank information evening to give you a comprehensive view of the of the current economic situation and financing possibilities.

Our upcoming trade missions to Brazil will be from 17 to 24 October 2015 to the Fair CORTE e CONFORMAÇÃO DE METAIS

  • Conferences
  • Scheduled visits to companies and trade fair in Sao Paulo
  • Visits in the midsize sector industries
  • Discussions and networking