01_Market research and competitor analysis
Market research encompasses all aspects and risks of import / export, as well as major indicators such as technology, the domestic industry demand, technical standards and required certifications, sales data, competitor analysis and important trade fairs.
02_ Market entry strategy
Our market entry strategies, based on professional preparation and careful competitor analysis, facilitate speedy market entries for European companies.
Company formation and legal forms, useful rules when deciding to set up and to register a company, license and import / export laws, tax laws, administrative procedures, production licenses, financing regulation of production and financing for the purchase of machinery and equipment.
03_Networking / Business contacts
How to find the trusted partner?
My experience in this content shows that a deep knowledge of the culture increases significantly the chances of finding the right representative.
Do not rely on coincidental contacts!!!
Only a systematic, profound and professional approach of search and selection ensures a competent partner, who increases your chances of sales and profit.
Besides the impact of current political and economic situations in Brazil, there are also difficulties to understand the Brazilians project management style and all the typical obstacles in the practical daily problems. We offer intercultural consulting for a perfect political, economic and cultural relationship with Brazil.
Apparently unresolvable issues, loss-generating situations concerning your activities with your business partner can still be sorted out. We analyse the situation, suggest what actions you could take and advise you which would be the best approach. Furthermore, we support you in the implementation of your solutions.
Individual or team coaching, adapted to your needs. For managers, executives and operational staff.
We organize Trade missions to Brazil, Turkey and Germany, together with partners, associations and trade shows, for CEOs and business people in order to identify economic opportunities; to know the political and cultural requirements and to put together potential partners and product manufacturers with bilateral interest.